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Waiting for Godot

Gil Cates Theater 

As Vladimir and Estragon wait and wait for the arrival of the elusive Godot, a cast of mysterious misfits interrupt their endless vigil in Samuel Beckett’s tragi-comic masterpiece that has captivated audiences for decades. Timeless and multi-layered, Waiting for Godot changed the course of contemporary drama and remains as resonant and riveting as ever. Gare St Lazare Ireland, “the unparalleled Beckett champions” according to the New York Times, bring their wit and skill to what promises to be a Godot for the ages featuring Conor Lovett (I’ll Find YouVersailles), Aasif Mandvi (Evil, The Daily Show), and Rainn Wilson (Thom PainThe Office).

Geffen Playhouse’s Theater as a Lens for Justice initiative provides access to this production and supplementary programs for populations impacted by incarceration and is supported, in part, by Jayne Baron Sherman.

This production is also supported by:


Waiting for Godot



Box Office Phone
Tues–Sun 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm



Box Office Window
Tues–Sun 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm

10886 Le Conte Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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